Sunday, December 7, 2014

Supplements: Do We Really Need Them?

We all have come across people who may have told you "Don't start gym if you cannot afford supplements" or maybe something like "You will never get that physique without supplements". Haven't we?
If I had to answer this question with a Yes or No , my answer would be- NO.
A person who is capable of working out with proper form and maintaining the balance of nutrients in his diet will not require supplements to see gains. By this I do not mean that supplements are wastage of money or they wont work on you.Supplements can be very useful for a person with hectic schedule because of his work in office or if he spends 8 tiring hours in school. These supplements will be useful so that a person can maintain his diet even when he is not at home.Supplements give a boost that would help you achieve your goals faster.

So If you're planning to start your gym sessions and worried about supplements,don't be.Because it is not necessary to see gains only with supplements. Start up with eating real foods rather than processed which will help you recover from your workouts faster.

Now another question that is frequently asked:
Do Supplements have Side-Effects?
To explain this in layman's language , since dietary supplements are not hormonal they don't have any side effects given that the person who is consuming is healthy and does not have any liver or kidney disease.
Supplements are made from real foods only,like creatine monohydrate is made from meat and protein supplements are made from dietary products and eggs.Since these products do not affect our hormones they will not harm our body until a person is taking more servings than required.
Hence to be on the safer side, always consult a doctor before taking any supplements.
Stay Updated :) 

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