Sunday, December 7, 2014

How to Get Out from your Comfort Zone.

Yes, All of us have once dreamed of getting a physique that guys would be jealous of and girls would gaze at, six pack abs popping out ,  muscular back and Veins bulging out from those Beast-like arms.
We all want that, but its a tough row to hoe. Yes getting the physique we desire takes a lot of dedication,control over diet and many other factors.
We all can spend hours in gym , buy tons of supplement and eat a whole lot of protein.
But the question arises

From Where to Start?
Getting your body into a perfect shape will need you to come out of your comfort zone, because "Life begins at the end of your Comfort Zone".

You see the above picture? That's right. Magic happens when you leave your comfort zone behind and start working for what you have always wanted.
Believe me, you would never see results if you keep sleeping all day. If you have free time , use it in a more productive way rather than doing things that comes in your comfort zone.
So before we all start with out exercise routines,diet plans and all that stuff try to leave your comfort zone behind and build up your mind for spending time for something that's worth.
Try to read motivational books, follow fitness models on instagram,talk to your local gym trainers and try to get motivated before starting any program.
At last i would just ask you to try to spend less on your comforts and more on your body,because your body will be around a lot longer than those fancy handbags.
Stay Updated :)

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