Sunday, January 11, 2015

Basic Gym Terminology

In this post, I'm going to cover some of the basic terms of gym that you'll require if you are a newbie.
These terms will further help you in determining your workout schedules, intensity checks and some other charts.
So here are few of the most basic terms of gym:

1)Reps- Rep is used for Repetition.It means the number of time you'll perform the movement or motion of a particular exercise.

2)Set- Set refers to a group of repetitions of a given exercise. For example, 4 Sets of 25 Crunches implies you will perform 25 crunches 4 times , taking break before each set. It is represented by 4X25.

3)Cardio- Cardio is short form of Cardiovascular which includes exercises that focus on heart rate like cycling, treadmill,running etc.

4) Barbell- A barbell is a long rod to which we can add weights on both sides.

5)Dumbbell- Dumbbells are 2 weights connected by a short iron rod.

6) Cables- Cables are like wires that are attached to a machine. The user can pull these cable through different handles that can be attached to the cables.


7)Compound Exercises- Compound exercises work on more than one muscle group. They lead to overall increase in growth hormone.
Bench Press (Chest,Shoulder,triceps)
Squats(Quads,Lower Back,Glutes,Hamstring)

8)Isolation Exercises- Isolation exercises work only on a single muscle group.Isolation excercises are performed in such a way that only one muscle group performs and other muscle groups are avoided.
Bicep Curls-Bicep
Skull Crusher-Tricep
Lateral Raise-Shoulders

9)Lean mass- It is the total weight of your muscle, bone, and all other body organs except the fat.

 So learn up these terms before you walk into the gym for the first time , they'll help you grasp the information given by your trainer faster.
Keep Updated :)

Monday, December 8, 2014

10 Common Myths about Gym

In this post I'm going to bust some of the common myths about gym that people come across.

1) Spending More Time In Gym Will Lead To Faster Gains-Certainly Not. Most of the people have a misconception that spending hours in gym will lead to faster gains. If it would have been that simple,professionals would have spent most of their time in gym. Working out for an hour is ideal,while the best one would be 45minutes. Gym is not a place to chat with friends or stare those women in yoga pants,so do your job well and leave.

2)Working Out Seven Days A Week Is the Best Idea- Again a myth.Our body does not grow in the gym,but it grows when we sleep.During an intense workout, our tissues get damaged which get repaired during our sleep.When the tissues get damaged,our body tries to produce stronger ones for future to fight more complex workout.Most of the Growth Hormone secretion occurs during the deep sleep cycle.Hence it is better to train for 4 or 5 days with high intensity and rest for 2 days rather than working for all 7 days which would lead to over-training.

3)Heavy Weights For  Gaining, Lighter Weights For Cutting-Another myth we all have come across is "Use heavy weights to gain muscle and Light weight for a ripped body",its not that simple.Building muscle is a complex process and your body won't grow until you force it to.By this i mean if you can do 10reps with a 20lb dumbbell but you stop at 6,you would never see gains.
Your body need to be like "Hey,We're under attack and need stronger tissues to fight back". To accomplish this you need to workout with maximum intensity and less rest in between sets.Hence depending on light weights for a ripped body wont give you results,but a power dose of both heavy and light weight coupled with a balanced diet would.

4) Doing Thousands Of Crunches will Get Rid of Belly Fat: Probably the most common myth that we've come across.
Crunches are great for working on your midsection and are one of the most iconic abdominal exercises , but crunches would not burn a lot of calories like cardio does.For visible six pack abs, one needs a combination of HIIT(High-Intensity Interval Training) , Cardio and a Balanced Diet. Abs will be visible once you lower your bodyfat that can be accomplished by doing cardio sessions and a clean diet.Hence it is better to do 4 sets of 25 high intensity crunches and a cardio session rather than working out for thousands of crunches in a day.

5) Supplements are Must For Getting A Good Physique: As I've talked in my previous post, you will never require supplements for a good physique if you can maintain a balanced diet. Supplements are valuable for people who have a hectic schedule or they want faster results , where supplements will give a boost.But it is always better to stick to real foods and keep supplements as secondary source.

6) You've Got to Feel Pain to See Gains:"No Pain No Gain" True, but not necessarily.
There is a difference between DOMS and the pain you get if you overdo or workout with improper form.
DOMS refers to Delayed Onset Muscular Soreness which is the pain you get after you workout with great intensity which creates micro-fibres in your muscles which have to be repaired.This is the pain which can be treated as an elevator for anyone who is looking for gains.
But that doesn't mean that all pains are DOMS.You can even feel pain if you performed an exercise with bad form or you overdo some exercise. Since some people recover faster because of their genetics,it is not necessary that one will see gains only if he feels pain.

 So spending just 45minutes a day for 4 days a week out of your busy schedule won't be much right? That too for something you'll be proud of one day.Believe me ,it's worth it. :)

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Supplements: Do We Really Need Them?

We all have come across people who may have told you "Don't start gym if you cannot afford supplements" or maybe something like "You will never get that physique without supplements". Haven't we?
If I had to answer this question with a Yes or No , my answer would be- NO.
A person who is capable of working out with proper form and maintaining the balance of nutrients in his diet will not require supplements to see gains. By this I do not mean that supplements are wastage of money or they wont work on you.Supplements can be very useful for a person with hectic schedule because of his work in office or if he spends 8 tiring hours in school. These supplements will be useful so that a person can maintain his diet even when he is not at home.Supplements give a boost that would help you achieve your goals faster.

So If you're planning to start your gym sessions and worried about supplements,don't be.Because it is not necessary to see gains only with supplements. Start up with eating real foods rather than processed which will help you recover from your workouts faster.

Now another question that is frequently asked:
Do Supplements have Side-Effects?
To explain this in layman's language , since dietary supplements are not hormonal they don't have any side effects given that the person who is consuming is healthy and does not have any liver or kidney disease.
Supplements are made from real foods only,like creatine monohydrate is made from meat and protein supplements are made from dietary products and eggs.Since these products do not affect our hormones they will not harm our body until a person is taking more servings than required.
Hence to be on the safer side, always consult a doctor before taking any supplements.
Stay Updated :) 

How to Get Out from your Comfort Zone.

Yes, All of us have once dreamed of getting a physique that guys would be jealous of and girls would gaze at, six pack abs popping out ,  muscular back and Veins bulging out from those Beast-like arms.
We all want that, but its a tough row to hoe. Yes getting the physique we desire takes a lot of dedication,control over diet and many other factors.
We all can spend hours in gym , buy tons of supplement and eat a whole lot of protein.
But the question arises

From Where to Start?
Getting your body into a perfect shape will need you to come out of your comfort zone, because "Life begins at the end of your Comfort Zone".

You see the above picture? That's right. Magic happens when you leave your comfort zone behind and start working for what you have always wanted.
Believe me, you would never see results if you keep sleeping all day. If you have free time , use it in a more productive way rather than doing things that comes in your comfort zone.
So before we all start with out exercise routines,diet plans and all that stuff try to leave your comfort zone behind and build up your mind for spending time for something that's worth.
Try to read motivational books, follow fitness models on instagram,talk to your local gym trainers and try to get motivated before starting any program.
At last i would just ask you to try to spend less on your comforts and more on your body,because your body will be around a lot longer than those fancy handbags.
Stay Updated :)

Hello Everybody!

Wondering why i started this blog? No, not for profits or earning money. My reason for starting this blog is to let every person that opens this blog educate about how fitness would help them in their lives and how it can make them look better.

In my very first post I'm going to answers some of the basic questions.

Who am I?
I'm currently a student studying in Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi (India).
I have been working out for more than 2 years and I've seen how the personality of a person can change by just adjusting their eating habits and lifestyle.
No, I'm not some sort of Muscular Guy looking like Hulk who would guide you as to how to get those 18"inch arms or anything like that. My main motive is to see everyone working out not for developing a huge body,but maintaining a lean physique that everyone dreams of.

Why I started this blog?
As mentioned, I do not want profits or money by advertising unnecessary products on my blog, but to help those who're messed up with their fitness goals and want some sort of information about Exercises,Diet,Supplementation or related.

What will my Posts contain?
My posts will all contain information related to some common problems that occur when a person gets into gym, and I'll be answering question that will be asked on my blog or email.
Not just about gym, I will also be posting about Diet plans,Food that can overtake Supplements and all other Fitness related topics.

So that's all folks, I'll be starting up with the most common problems related to fitness in my future posts.
Hope my blog will help you build the physique you had been dreaming of.
Stay Updated :)

"Take care of your body. It's the only place you have to live"
Jim Rohn.